Life According to Averie

Here are Averie's first 18 months of life! Please enjoy!

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Friday, December 23, 2005

Silly Girl
So, this morning at 10, Averie's usual nap time, we head upstairs to change her diaper. Then we go into her room, turn on her white noise, hug and I put her down. She usually talks to herself for 25-30 minutes before she falls asleep...which happened like normal. So I jump into the shower and do my hair, makeup etc. 20 or so minutes go by and she is still talking to herself and having a ball! So, I continue my normal routine. A couple minutes later all of the sudden her room is filled with lullaby music! And for those of you that know, her white noise is attached to her crib, at the top! Silly girl! I peek in and see socks on the floor, a mashed down bumper and Averie standing there playing with her white noise-lullaby maker (the air is filled with the smell of stinky poop, too)! She squeals at me and gets excited, so I pick her up and change her and put new socks on her and put her back in bed. She talks to her bear for about 5 minutes and finally falls asleep! When I peek in again to make sure, she is asleep with her booty in the looks like she went to roll over and fell asleep in the middle of the roll! Too funny! Well, that's my story! Hope you enjoyed it, have a Merry Christmas if we don't post before then!


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