Please check out Baby Two's pregnancy pics here!
We had a fun busy weekend! We'll post more later! :o)
18 MONTH CHECK-UPWell everyone...we have a chubber on our hands!!! Averie has managed to gain almost 3 lbs. in the last 3 months!!! We are now up to 22 lbs. and 7.5 oz. can you believe it!!! She also grew 3/4 of an inch! See % down below...Everything went pretty well. Our Dr. had an emergency so we had to come back an hour and a half later to see another Dr., but other than that it was a good appt. oh, yea and besides the shots. She said Averie is doing very well...she is healthy and happy and growing great! She was impressed by her vocabulary and awareness of everything. And she thought I looked small (ha ha, I haven't heard that lately)! I thanked her of course! So, Averie had two shots, she was screaming before they even started, but she didn't scream from the beginning of the appt. til the end...just at the beginning and at the end! :o) But she recovered well really. So, Averie doesn't have to go back until 2yrs. but I am sure she will be traumatized when the baby goes in three weeks...so we'll see how that goes! OB appt. tomorrow...I'll post then! :o) 13 days and counting!
18 MONTHS!!!!!
Averie~ I can't believe you are 18 months today! I feel like you were just inside me and I was awaiting the special day of your arrival and you were as unknown as the new baby is right now! You are so amazing these days. You have your own little personality and it is spunky and unique and sweet all at the same time! I love how you help mama in the kitchen, well, how you get things out and carry them around and sometimes put them back! I also love how you love to wash your hands with "bub-bubbas" and how you rub them together and the backs and do a pretty good job! You also amaze me with how well you understand, yet can only communicate so many things in return! It is truely amazing to be your mama and watch you grow before my eyes. I love you so much!
Some of the things you are doing right now: You are eating with a fork and spoon, you can drink out of a regular cup, climb your step stool, brush your teeth (we still help you though), you eat almost anything (we're still working on veggies...), you love animal tails almost as much as stars, you also love to climb over mama's legs while holding on to my hand. You still don't say many sentences ("love you" is the only one so far), but can pretty much tell us what you want with your words and signs...which is so amazing! I love to watch you realize when we understand you. It makes me so proud of you. You are learning and growing so much every day. I know that you will be a GREAT big sister. I don't doubt that for a minute. You will be fetching me diapers and burp clothes and who knows what in no time! I can't wait to feel the way I feel about you for the new baby...because it seems impossible to have that much love and emotion inside me to share...but I know it is there! I love you so much and would do anything for you. You are my sunshine and I hope you grow up to be a happy, loving and caring person. Happy 18 months, sweetie girl! Love, Mama